How Unusual Weather Patterns Affect Your Home

The recent past has led to some incredible weather patterns throughout all of North America. Last year, Florida experienced its first snowy January since 1885, and one Ohio lighthouse has spent the last few winters encased in ice, turning it into a real-life ice sculpture. Some have reported that some of 2018’s summer months were the hottest on record (even hotter that the Dust Bowl of the Great Depression), and the trend of unusual weather continues to make records as time marches on… but what does this mean for your home?

Excessive Rain
Rain, rain, go away. As innocent as rain may be, it can spell disaster for your home if it is not properly diverted away from the structure. Clogged gutters can prevent the flow of water away from your home, which in turn can cause roof and foundation damage. Foundation damage, of course, can lead to basement flooding and mold growth, which can cause expenses to pile up.

Excessive or abnormal amounts of rain, of course, can impact your landscape, as well. Aside from the expected weathering and erosion caused by abundant waters, your landscape may come to reveal additional wear and tear. Plants, believe it or not, may actually whither in the presence of excessive rain. This is because pockets of air beneath the ground — an essential source of oxygen for plants — may be filling with water and causing plant roots to die.

How can we combat these threats? Raised garden beds tend to dry out faster, which can save your plants in the presence of excessive rains, though they do tend to require additional watering in dry seasons. The threat of clogged gutters can be easily overcome with LeafFilter Gutter Protection.

Abnormally Cold Temperatures
Brutally cold temperatures are so shocking to us humans that we frequently try to retreat into our homes to avoid the freezing air. However, many of us can’t help but notice the enormous icicles that gather around many rooflines.

Believe it or not, this phenomenon is actually caused by a loss of heat within the home. Heat rises, as you know, and it can actually rise to the higher portions of your roof and cause the snow to melt. As it drips onto the colder portions of your roof, it freezes, causing ice dams and icicles.

Aside from performing a home energy audit to identify exactly where your home is losing heat, you can use heat tape as a combatant against ice dams. Heat tape, otherwise known as heat cables, warm areas of concern to melt ice dams.

Of course, freezing temperatures can also lead to your pipes bursting. Insulation is an easy way to combat this, and pipe insulation can be surprisingly affordable.
Excessive Heat Or Drought
Heat can cause all sorts of issues around your home, from drying out your landscape to causing your foundation to crack. The latter point is caused when soil becomes excessively dry, something that can be prevented by watering your grass (which, in turn, ensures your landscape stays vibrant and lush).

The most evident effects of excessive heat are, fortunately, cosmetic. Lawn furniture, umbrellas, and rugs may fade, and paint may peel or fade as well. Many companies now produce fade-proof lawn furniture, and you can even invest in siding complete with fade-resistant technology to ensure that the sun doesn’t take its toll on your home.

Being Proactive
What is the best way to ensure that your home stays safe from the threat of abnormal weather? Be proactive! Repairing your home is expensive, and so, too, is the amount of aspirin you’ll need to cope with the headache that comes with it. Products like LeafFilter and piping insulation offer you the opportunity to protect your home before its too late, saving yourself time, money, and headaches in the future.

Weather is unpredictable, but the longevity of your home is something that lies in your hands. Invest in the home you love now to ensure that our wildly-fluctuating weather patterns don’t take their toll on your home.