Gutter Guard Report Card

It’s back to school season, which means parents and grandparents will start seeing a lot of report cards soon. We’re also approaching the fall season, which means leaves and debris will begin to build up in your gutters. The good news is, you can eliminate the need to clean your gutters altogether with the help of gutter protection. But which one is the best for your home? Well, we’ve got you covered. If you’re trying to make your home a top performer, this gutter guard report card is certainly one to pay attention to!

DIY vs. Professionally Installed

When choosing between a DIY product and a professionally installed gutter protection system, only one makes the grade. Professionally installed gutter protection gets the A+. Here’s why professionally installed gutter protection is the superior option:

  • Safer than DIY installation
    With professional installation, you won’t have to worry about climbing a dangerous ladder or exposing yourself to any of the hazardous materials inside your gutters. This means you, and your family, can stay safe while enjoying clean gutters for life. It’s a win-win!
  • Comes with a warranty
    A professionally installed gutter protection system, like LeafFilter, comes with a warranty, which means that you’re protected for the lifetime of your home. LeafFilter’s warranty is even transferrable, so anyone who inherits your home down the road can enjoy the same protection.
  • Custom fit to your gutters
    DIY gutter protection is a one size fits all kind of deal. This means that it probably won’t provide complete coverage over your gutters, which will lead it to fail over time. A professionally installed gutter protection system, on the other hand, will be custom fit to the size and shape of your gutters, ensuring you have the best possible solution to your clogged gutter problems.

Final Grade:

Professionally Installed: A+
DIY Products: F

LeafFilter gets an A+ grade

LeafFilter vs. the Competition

Now that you’ve narrowed down your choices to include only professionally installed systems, it’s time to make your final decision. There are several different types of professionally installed systems, from hood style to metal screens and micro mesh, the options may seem endless. But one stands out above the rest – LeafFilter. Here’s why:

  • Doesn’t install under your roof
    Many professionally installed gutter protection systems install under the first layer of shingles. This may severely limit, or even void, your roof warranty. LeafFilter’s micro mesh gutter protection system never disturbs your roof. Instead, it sits on your existing gutters like a lid on a box, providing ultimate protection while keeping your roof intact.
  • No holes, gaps, or openings
    LeafFilter features a micromesh that is 50 microns fine. The mesh is so fine, not even a grain of sand can get through to your gutters, while water can still enter for proper diversion. This makes LeafFilter a top of the class product.
  • Industry leading, lifetime, transferrable warranty
    Remember that warranty that should come with professionally installed products? Not all warranties afford the same protections. LeafFilter’s no clogs guarantee means you’re protected under your warranty for life, worry-free.

Final Grade:

LeafFilter: A+
Other Professionally Installed Systems: F

This back to school season, be sure to make the smart choice. With LeafFilter’s patented gutter protection, you’ll enjoy clog-free gutters for life without the worry. After investing in LeafFilter, we’re sure you’ll want to proudly stick this report card on the fridge to show off to all your friends. So what are you waiting for? Get your free estimate from LeafFilter today!