How to Prep Your Lawn For Retirement

If you are currently retired or approaching retirement age, you have likely thought about things like your finances or how you will spend your free time. However, you may have not put much thought into how you will upkeep certain parts of your home, including your lawn.

Since you may find it more difficult to care for your lawn now than when you were younger, you should take advantage of the following tips and tricks to make your life easier.

prepping lawn for retirement

Simplify Your Lawn

Some lawns are more intricate than others. If you believe your lawn is one of them, simplify it so that it can mowed and managed quicker and easier. This way, you’ll save both time and money on lawn care throughout your retirement years.

Add More Gathering Spaces

Gathering spaces in your front and back yard require virtually no maintenance and are an excellent way to make the best use out of your outdoor space. Patios, decks, outdoor kitchens, and fire pits are all examples of gathering spaces that you and your loved ones can enjoy on nice days.

Cover with a Groundcover

Weeding can be a tough task as you get older. That’s why, you should consider using a groundcover to limit the amount of weeds in your lawn. Groundcovers are designed to provide protection of topsoil from erosion and droughts.

Hire a Professional

Hiring a professional to mow your lawn is a worthwhile investment. It will allow you to check one thing off your home maintenance to-do list and ensure your lawn stays in pristine shape.

Invest in Gutter Guards

An overlooked yet effective way to prep your lawn for retirement is to invest in gutter guards. High quality gutter guards can protect your gutters from clogging and causing serious home damages such as landscape erosion.

Request a Free Estimate

LeafFilter gutter guards are a must-have for your retirement years. They are comprised of micromesh and surgical grade steel and can keep your gutters free of leaves, pine needles, and other clogging debris for the lifetime of your home. Request a free estimate today.