Robots Can’t Clean Your Gutters

Now that fall is here, it’s time to clean your gutters. At LeafFilter™, we know it’s one of the most dreaded fall maintenance tasks. We know homeowners are looking for ways to make cleaning out gutters easier. Some are hoping to simplify the process, while others never want to climb a ladder again.

These days, more and more people are taking advantage of robots to make tasks around the home simpler. Currently, there are a couple different brands and models of robots on the market specifically designed to clean out gutters. The only issue with a gutter cleaning robot is speed, as nearly every model is a little slower than expected and won’t always clean out everything. It doesn’t matter which brand, you’ll still be forced to climb the ladder and clean up after the robot.

The Reviews Are In

Rosemary Sadez Friedmann explained in a recent Scripps Howard News Service column that ‘[a]ccording to the U.S. National Safety Council, more than 30,000 people are injured each year falling off ladders.’ Friedmann goes on to explain that you’ll still have to climb the ladder to make good use of the gutter cleaning robot. So what are you really gaining?

A specific model has even been knocked for speed of work and efficiency, with claims that ‘[c]leaning can be s-l-o-w’ and you’ll still have to clean up after the robot. During testing, the robot missed leaves and muck while also getting stuck numerous times. Seems like the gutter gutting robot is only creating headaches and not making your life easier.

Why not work smarter, and not harder this year? It seems like a gutter cleaning robot would make your life easier, but you can avoid the issue of clogged gutters all together with LeafFilter™. Life’s short, don’t waste any more time on a ladder, putting your safety at risk.

Get LeafFilter™, the nation’s top-rated gutter guard, professionally installed and spend more time doing what you enjoy this fall. Get a couple more golf rounds in, relax in front of the TV while enjoying your favorite football team or watch the leaves fall without a worry in the world, as your LeafFilter™ protected gutter will never clog – We Guarantee It!