LeafFilter Gutter Protection Scholarship Winner

This year marked the first annual LeafFilter Gutter Protection Scholarship. Applicants were asked to write a 350-500 word personal essay, choosing one of three prompts in order to compete for a $500 scholarship to go toward books or tuition. Each applicant had a unique story to tell, and we’d like to thank everyone who took the time to share those stories with us. Over 700 current or incoming undergraduate college students applied!

After evaluating applications for creativity, original content, and adherence to the essay topic, we are pleased to announce Matthew Kaplan as this year’s winner.


Matthew is a positive psychology major at Duke University. In his essay, he describes the realization that someone had to change the face of bullying in schools, and he might as well take up the charge. In his well-written essay, Matthew describes the journey he took to realize this ambition and create the Be ONE Project.

As an incoming college sophomore, Matthew has already personally reached over 4,000 middle school students, and makes an even greater impact through media placements and speaking engagements. He works hard to fulfill his organization’s mission of breaking down barriers to promote inclusiveness rather than exclusiveness.

Matthew’s journey is incredibly inspirational and uplifting. We’re excited to follow his progress with the Be ONE Project and to witness the positive impact he’ll have as he expands the program. And more than that, we’re proud to award Matthew our very first LeafFilter Gutter Protection Scholarship. Congratulations, Matthew!

Stay tuned for details about the 2017 LeafFilter Gutter Protection Scholarship!