aging in place

Universal Home Remodeling – Aging in Place Tips

Remodeling the family home in order to help your loved ones age in place often requires structural changes like widening doors and removing walls, particularly to allow wheelchairs and other mobility devices to enter a… Read More

7 Tech Advances that Will Change Seniors’ Lives

Undoubtedly, technology is changing everyone’s lives, but more specifically, there are a few technological advances that will be especially life-changing for seniors and retirees. As life expectancy continues to rise, advancing technology is transforming the… Read More

Creating the Aging in Place Bathroom

Seniors who wish to remain in their own familiar environment as they grow older may want to age in place. Luckily, it’s easy to help them achieve this goal. Some basic home improvements and updates… Read More

How to Support Aging Parents

It’s a harsh reality but one day our parents won’t be able to drive, climb stairs, or even feed themselves. As difficult as it is to think about this, it’s important to help aging parents… Read More

Benefits of Aging in Place

There’s no question that aging in place is appealing to many individuals. In fact, 90 percent of people over 65 want to live in their home and community as long as possible, according to a… Read More

Top 3 Tips for Successfully Aging in Place

Aging in place has become increasing popular among seniors that are looking to remain in their home as they age. Many individuals opt to age in place in order to maintain their independence and be… Read More