curb appeal

Pros and Cons of Wood Gutters

There are many different factors involved in choosing a gutter system for your home. Price, appearance, maintenance requirements, and effectiveness are all equally important. In order to choose the right gutter system for your home,… Read More

Winter Pond Care

If you have a pond on your landscape, you know what a luxury it is to have beautiful fish and plants right by your home. However, you also know that when temperatures become brutally cold,… Read More

Grasscycling 101

Grasscycling is defined as the natural recycling of grass by leaving clippings on the lawn when mowing. When it is performed correctly, grass clippings will quickly decompose and naturally fertilize your lawn. It is an… Read More

Best Trees for a Small Yard

If you’re a homeowner with a small yard, you may be wondering which trees to plant. Believe it or not, there are a wide variety of small trees that can fit perfectly into your smaller… Read More

3 Home Improvements Fit for an Olympian

With the Summer Olympics here, we think that there is no better time to get your home gold-medal ready. And, by marking things off your to do list, like gutter cleaning, you’ll have more time… Read More

Natural vs. Artificial Grass

As a homeowner, you have two basic options for your yard. You can leave your natural grass in tact or convert it into artificial grass. There are a variety of factors such as maintenance, environmental… Read More

Curb Appeal Questions to Ask

After the front porch has been swept, the paint has dried and the flowers have been deadheaded, you may step back to admire your work and feel your home’s curb appeal is still lacking. Sometimes… Read More

How to Fertilize your Lawn

Although your soil supplies some of the nutrients that grass needs, most soil needs nutrients throughout the entire growing season to maintain proper lawn care. A healthy and active lawn will require a blend of… Read More