exterior home damage

7 Savvy Tips to Prevent Water Damage

Water damage to a home can be costly and devastating. Most homeowners don’t realize they have water leaks until it’s had a chance to build up. Unfortunately, left unchecked, water can cause wood rot, mold… Read More

Gutter Guards & Maple Spinners

Do you live in an area with plenty of maple spinners, maple seeds, helicopters, whirligigs, or whatever they are called in your town? If so, you may wonder if they will stay out of your… Read More

When is it Time for Gutter Replacement?

When was the last time you looked at your gutters? Like, really looked at them? We’re guessing it’s been awhile. If you haven’t taken the opportunity to give your gutters a closer look, you may… Read More

How to Prioritize Fixer Upper Repair Needs

In recent years, purchasing fixer uppers has become very popular. By opting for a fixer upper rather than a move-in ready house, you can enjoy a variety of benefits including a lower mortgage payment, tax… Read More

Do Gutter Protectors Really Work?

If you’re ready for no clog gutters, you’ve probably begun researching gutter protection. With so many different types to choose from, it can get a little overwhelming. One of the biggest questions we hear from… Read More

Why Attic Ventilation is Important

Let’s face it – your attic is out of sight out of mind, so chances are pretty good you don’t think about it until something goes wrong. However, the condition of the attic can impact… Read More

How to Insulate a Garage Door

If you have not insulated your garage door, you are missing out! Insulating your garage door can bring you as a homeowner a variety of benefits. Often times, an insulated garage door leads to a… Read More

The Worst Trees For Your Home

It’s true that trees offer lots of different benefits. Their beauty provides shade and comfort, and can improve your surroundings by reducing pollution, lower energy costs, and improve the appearance of your neighborhood. It can… Read More