exterior home damage

How to Prevent Common Home Threats

Old windows, mold, pests, flooded basement, and old exhaust venting – these are all issues that if left neglected, can cause serious and costly damages. Oftentimes, you may be unaware of the damage that is… Read More

5 Winter Home Hazards to Avoid

It’s safe to say the mild winter is over, and the cold weather is really coming in. With that being said, it’s imperative for you to take the proper precautions against dangerous winter hazards. We’ve… Read More

How to Divert Water Away From Your House

Diverting water away from your home is important for many reasons. It eliminates foundation erosion, basement flooding and soil and grass deterioration. It is equally important to ensure proper drainage as well as where the… Read More

Cost Considerations for Roof Replacement

If your roof is in serious need of a replacement, here’s what you need to know about cost considerations to understand how much you’ll need to fix this problem once and for all.

Guard Your Home Against Mold

Here’s what you need to know when it comes to how mold harms you and your home as well as how to adequately guard your house against this pesky fungus:

New Homeowner Inspection TIps

With all the excitement of becoming a new homeowner, it’s easy to overlook signs that the potential home of your dreams may need some repair work.