
Home Improvement Projects to Try This Fall

Now that the summer season is coming to an end and fall is fast approaching, you are likely thinking about which home improvement projects to add to your to-do list. Here at LeafFilter, we’ve decided… Read More

Fall Energy Saving Tips

Now that it’s fall and the winter season is right around the corner, you should follow several energy saving tips so that you can save money during the colder months. Here at LeafFilter, we recommend… Read More

7 Spooky Cities to Visit this Halloween

As Halloween fast approaches, you’re likely thinking about what costume you’ll wear and how you’ll carve your pumpkin. But, have you ever considered taking a Halloween road trip? There are countless places to find frightful… Read More

Fall Furnace Maintenance

To prevent the discomfort that comes with furnace breakdowns, you should add fall furnace maintenance to the top of your to-do list. By taking the time to maintain your furnace, you can ensure it runs… Read More

How to Protect Your Gutters From Fall Leaves

In a perfect world, you’d have no chores – no more mowing the lawn, dusting knick knacks, or washing windows, and you’d definitely have non clogging gutters. Unfortunately, some of those are pipe dreams. Mowing… Read More

How to Recycle Fall Leaves

Now that the summer is almost over and fall is fast approaching, you may be wondering what you should do with all of the leaves that are about to fall. Fortunately, there are a variety… Read More

Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Here are a few tips for getting your home — inside and out!– in tip-top shape before the winter months ahead!

Protect Your Home from Rain

You may not realize, but your home is more vulnerable to water damage than you may think. With fall finally here, many states will see an increase in the amount of rainfall, so it is… Read More