gutter cleaning

Common Gutter Problems Homeowners Should Know

Many people might not realize the importance of gutters. When you forget to maintain this valuable extension of your home, the repercussions could be costly. These are some of the common gutter problems homeowners should… Read More

Gutter Cleaning FAQs

Gutter cleaning may seem like a simple task, but it’s not as easy as the pros make it look! If you’re considering DIY rain gutter cleaning, check out these frequently asked questions. By the end,… Read More

How Much Does Gutter Cleaning Cost?

Although gutter cleaning is a dirty, disgusting task, it is necessary for a healthy home. A clean and clear gutter will draw water away from your home’s foundation. If left neglected, water can go places… Read More

Gutter Cleaning Schedule

Gutter cleaning: a dreaded task that unfortunately has to be done multiple times per year. But oftentimes we fail to understand why gutters must be kept clear and clog-free and how it affects our home… Read More

Why Cleaning Gutters Is Important

Yes, cleaning gutters is necessary. It is gross and definitely burdensome, but this is one of the necessary evils of home ownership. Or is it? If you don’t do anything, leaves, seeds, roof debris, and… Read More

Home Improvement Projects to Try This Fall

Now that the summer season is coming to an end and fall is fast approaching, you are likely thinking about which home improvement projects to add to your to-do list. Here at LeafFilter, we’ve decided… Read More

The Ugly Truth About Gutter Cleaning

As a homeowner, you likely know how important it is to prevent clogged gutters. When your gutters are clogged with leaves, pine needles, shingle grit, insects, rodents, and other debris, they can no longer perform… Read More

4 Ways Spring Cleaning can Backfire

Are you ready to get your spring cleaning on? So are we! Before you begin the dreaded spring cleaning checklist, remember that spring cleaning isn’t always as it seems. One simple mistake could damage your… Read More