home tips

How to Maintain an Eco-Friendly Home

From saving money on your electric bill to reducing energy dependency, there are plenty of benefits homeowners can experience by having a more eco-friendly home. It’s easy to forget how much of the resources we… Read More

Protect Your Home Against Spring Showers

While all the sunshine and balmy temperatures of spring signal the brighter side of the season, it’s easy to forget about how showers are also an essential element of this time of the year.

Better Bathroom on a Budget

Home improvement needs arise in a number of ways, and while they’re often necessary, repair plans can often prove costly. This can be especially true in the bathroom, where expensive fixer-uppers can range from bathtub… Read More

Best Gutter Cleaning Tools

If you think the quintessential tools for cleaning your gutter are limited to a ladder and your hands, you’re missing out on accessories that can help make decluttering gutters an effortless experience.

Finishing My Basement – Part 1

Learn all of the steps in finishing a basement – from prep work to selecting a contractor to starting the project.

Windows: Repair or Replace?

This is a difficult question. New windows offer a lot of benefits – they’re new, they’re easier to operate, more efficient, easier to clean, and remove a lot of the unwanted maintenance of older windows.… Read More