home value

Home Upgrades That Pay You Back

While some home upgrades offer a poor return on investment, others are known to pay you back. If you’d like to make sure your upgrades increase your resale value, you should avoid projects such as… Read More

What to Know About Home Inspections

If you’re looking to buy or sell a home in the near future, home inspections are likely on your mind. They’re crucial in making sure the transaction is fair for both parties, and can help… Read More

Improve Your Bathroom on a Budget

Are you interested in improving your bathroom but afraid of hurting your bank account? If so, you’re in luck because there are plenty of affordable ways you can renovate or redesign your bathroom and transform… Read More

Home Improvements That Pay Off

Your home is likely the largest investment of your life. Therefore, when you are making improvements to it, you should make sure that you are choosing projects that will deliver the highest return on your… Read More

LeafFilter and Home Contingencies

Maybe you’re thinking of buying a house within the next year. Or perhaps you’ve found what appears to be your dream home, and you’re working on finalizing the sale. Maybe you just want to understand… Read More

Stone Fireplace Ideas

If you are a homeowner looking to enhance your home, adding a stone fireplace is a great way to do so. A stone fireplace can add luxury, warmth, romance, and lasting beauty to your home.… Read More

3 Exciting Backyard Additions

As a homeowner, it’s likely that you spend the warmer months outside enjoying your backyard. Your backyard is a part of your home and can be turned into a comfortable and exciting place with a… Read More

How to Tile a Backsplash

Adding a tile backsplash to your kitchen can add life to you kitchen. It can showcase your style, add visual interest, and a bit of color to your space. You can choose from a variety… Read More