
Trimming Hedges 101

Unruly hedges can be a huge eyesore. Keeping them nicely groomed will drastically improve your curb appeal. You could hire a landscaper to trim the hedges for you, but it’s actually quite simple to do… Read More

How to Make Your Backyard Tree-Mendous

It’s that time of year – the trees are bursting into bloom, and, after a long, cold winter, we’re finally seeing signs of life. That vibrant green foliage is great for the mood, and even… Read More

Winter Pond Care

If you have a pond on your landscape, you know what a luxury it is to have beautiful fish and plants right by your home. However, you also know that when temperatures become brutally cold,… Read More

Hibernate Your House to Prepare for Winter

Winter is fast approaching, and with the chilly weather comes a number of potential problems for your home. High energy bills, burst pipes, and critters seeking shelter are just a few of the problems homeowners… Read More

Best Trees for a Small Yard

If you’re a homeowner with a small yard, you may be wondering which trees to plant. Believe it or not, there are a wide variety of small trees that can fit perfectly into your smaller… Read More

The Worst Trees For Your Home

It’s true that trees offer lots of different benefits. Their beauty provides shade and comfort, and can improve your surroundings by reducing pollution, lower energy costs, and improve the appearance of your neighborhood. It can… Read More