real estate

What to Know About Home Inspections

If you’re looking to buy or sell a home in the near future, home inspections are likely on your mind. They’re crucial in making sure the transaction is fair for both parties, and can help… Read More

LeafFilter and Home Contingencies

Maybe you’re thinking of buying a house within the next year. Or perhaps you’ve found what appears to be your dream home, and you’re working on finalizing the sale. Maybe you just want to understand… Read More

3 Exciting Backyard Additions

As a homeowner, it’s likely that you spend the warmer months outside enjoying your backyard. Your backyard is a part of your home and can be turned into a comfortable and exciting place with a… Read More

10 Home Essentials for New Homeowners

Buying a new house can be super stressful. But this is also an exciting time! Perhaps you’ve been renting a cramped apartment. Or maybe you’ve been crashing on someone’s couch. Whatever the case may be… Read More

How to Increase The Value of Your Home

With such a competitive market, the homes that sell are those in pristine condition. Even if you’re not looking to sell your home in the near future, it is still important to remember that your… Read More

New Homeowner Inspection TIps

With all the excitement of becoming a new homeowner, it’s easy to overlook signs that the potential home of your dreams may need some repair work.