
Curb Appeal Questions to Ask

After the front porch has been swept, the paint has dried and the flowers have been deadheaded, you may step back to admire your work and feel your home’s curb appeal is still lacking. Sometimes… Read More

7 Must-Have Home Design Applications

According to PewResearchCenter, 46 percent of people say their smartphone is something they couldn’t live without. The information and tools available at our fingertips is continuously expanding and our phones are no longer only used… Read More

Building A Better Outdoor Kitchen

The best outdoor kitchens are as functional as an indoor kitchen and as comfortable as an indoor living room. Here are some tips to get started with your outdoor kitchen plans.

Finishing My Basement – Part 2

If you’ve already read Part 1 of my 3 part series about finishing my basement, you’ll already be up to speed on what’s next. But, if you haven’t, after you’ve planned your project, selected your… Read More

Things That Detract From Home Value

When looking to sell your home, there are certain things you should avoid doing that may actually detract from the value of your home.