
10 Best Small Towns in North America

Small town living has its advantages. Many smaller communities offer better cost of living, nicer amenities, and greater community pride, among many other attributes. There’s countless benefits to living in a small town, but with… Read More

7 Tech Advances that Will Change Seniors’ Lives

Undoubtedly, technology is changing everyone’s lives, but more specifically, there are a few technological advances that will be especially life-changing for seniors and retirees. As life expectancy continues to rise, advancing technology is transforming the… Read More

2017 Home Resolutions

It’s that time of year again! Just like you make New Year’s resolutions to improve yourself, you can also make home resolutions. Get your home in tip top shape in 2017 with these seven simple… Read More

Innocent Gutter Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

Regular home maintenance is essential for keeping up your home. Part of this home maintenance should be focused on gutter cleaning. If left neglected, you could wind up with serious water related damages including foundation… Read More

Homeowner’s Safety Guide

Your home should be a place where you feel safe and secure. However, there are a wide variety of home hazards that can make it a dangerous environment. Fortunately, you can take certain steps to… Read More

5 Tried and True Garage Security Tips

You live in a nice quiet neighborhood and never advertise when you’ll be leaving town. You lock your doors and windows at night. You’ve even got the protection of a neighborhood watch group. With all… Read More

Holiday Décor Safety Tips

If you’re planning on decorating your home for the holiday season, beware! Many holiday decorations pose fire and safety hazards. Don’t spoil the holidays by falling victim to preventable disasters like house fires or injuries.… Read More

Aging in Place in a Multi-Level Home

Aging in place is becoming more popular among seniors that are looking to maintain their independence by aging in their home rather than moving to a senior living community. Being able to remain in the… Read More